This process supports you in awakening, releasing that which holds you down or back and supports you in rewriting your internal programming to transform your life and successfully live a Self-mastered life.
When you start the process, you will be bringing your baggage with you.
This may include: beliefs that you picked up at home, school, your community, and church or spiritual center.
If all of these beliefs were working for you, you would be living the life you always wanted. If not, it is your opportunity to Self-parent yourself. Lillian will teach you how to love yourself, honor and respect your own feelings.
And when you are finished with the program, you will be your own best advocate and friend. In the process you will learn healthy boundaries, how to connect to your inner truth, how to notice when you are out of balance, and take steps to shift back to balance and harmony. You will re-write the beliefs that are no longer serving you.
This is the Self-mastery process and it works!

As a part of the process, your life will change. You will push beyond your present comfort zone. This can be uncomfortable. And, this is a part of the process.
Lillian will be your guide and will provide you will a comfortable place to be yourself, while you are growing and making changes in your life.
Eventually, you will reflect to the world, the inner beauty that has been there all along.
Hear What Others Say
Nancy W
For seventy years (70) I had been a walking dead person; just waiting to die. I used every vice I could to numb my pain and hide from it. I… Read more “Nancy W”
Donna A.
Expanded is the first word that comes to mind when I think of the growth and healing I have experienced from all of my work with Alexandria. Expanded in my… Read more “Donna A.”
Crystal L.
Thank you Alexandria for helping me open up my heart.